The Municipality of Bifrost-Riverton Council is elected for a four-year term to set policies and provide municipal governance.
Regular Council Meetings are held every 2nd Thursday of each month unless otherwise advertised. Meetings start at 8 a.m. at the Municipal Office, 329 River Road, Arborg, MB.
Members of the public are welcome to make presentation on any topic at any regular meeting of Council. These presentations are called 'delegations'. While there is not a limit on the number of delegations included on the agenda of a council meeting, the CAO has the authority to schedule delegations as deemed appropriate. All information submitted will be considered to be public information and therefore subject to full disclosure.
Registering as a Delegation: Delegations wishing to address Council on a matter are required to register with the CAO and provide details of the subject matter and the general nature of the request. Registration shall occur at least 5 days before the council meeting.
Reeve Brian N. Johnson
Cell: 1-204-785-3634
Committee Appointments: Accessibility Working Group, Arborg Seniors Housing (Alternate), North-East Interlake Emergency Measures Board, Training Centre Steering Committee.
Ward 1 Councillor Shawn Magnusson
Cell: 204-641-4399
Committee Appointments: East Drainage Committee, Riverton Curling Club, Riverton Memorial Arena, Riverton-Bifrost Parks & Recreation.
Ward 2 Deputy Reeve Chad Johnson
Cell: 1-204-378-0018
Committee Appointments: East Drainage Committee, Arborg Seniors Housing Corporation, East Interlake Planning District, Interlake Veterinary Services, Riverton Harbour Authority Inc., Riverton Seniors Resource Council.
Ward 3 Councillor Ken Stadnek
Cell: 1-204-641-4168
Committee Appointments: West Drainage Committee, East Interlake Watershed District Fisher-Mantagao River Subdistrict, East Interlake Watershed District Icelandic-Washow Bay Subdistrict, Eastern Interlake Planning District, Evergreen Regional Library, Interlake Tourism Association, Interlake Weed Control District.
Ward 4 Councillor David King
Cell: 1-204-641-0224
Committee Appointments: Public Works Chair, West Drainage Committee, Arborg-Bifrost Fire & Emergency Services, BAR Waste Authority Co-op Inc., Bifrost Airport Commission, Community Futures East Interlake.
Ward 5 Councillor Gordon Klym
Cell: 1-204-641-3615
Committee Appointments: West Drainage Committee, Arborg-Bifrost Fire & Emergency Services, Arborg-Bifrost Parks & Recreation Commission, BAR Waste Authority Co-op Inc., Interlake Weed Control District, Riverton-Bifrost Fire Committee.
Ward 6 Councillor Corey Palsson
Cell: 431-283-3069
Committee Appointments: East Drainage Committee, East Interlake Planning District (Alternate), Riverton Transportation & Heritage Center, Riverton-Bifrost Parks & Recreation Committee, Riverton-Bifrost Fire Committee.