Seniors can access numerous resources by contacting either the Riverton Seniors Resource office or the Arborg Seniors Resource office.
Bifrost-Riverton Seniors Resource Co-ordinator Brenda Ost
Box 206, Riverton, MB, R0C 2R0 Phone: (204) 378-3103 Fax: (204) 378-2264 Email:
Services Provided: Information and referral of services in the area
Arborg & District Seniors Resource
Box 935, Arborg, MB R0C 0A0
Phone: (204) 376-3494 Fax: (204) 376-5379
Services Provided: Information and referral of services in the area
• Bureau of Pensions Advocates
A unique organization within Veterans Affairs Canada that provides free legal advice and services to people who want assistance in appealing departmental decisions associated with disability pension claims.
Bureau of Pensions Advocates, Box 6050, 610 – 234 Donald Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4G5
Phone: 983-5598
Toll Free: 1-800-368-1594
• Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
Canada’s central fraud data repository. CAFC has become a trusted source for fraud data and for educational and prevention resource materials. The CAFC plays a crucial role in educating the public about specific fraudulent telemarketing pitches and in collecting and disseminating victim evidence, statistics and documentation, all of which are made available to law enforcement agencies.
• CCRA – Information for Seniors
The Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) is continually striving to deliver its programs and services efficiently and effectively. This link will give you easy access to various topics or services relating to Canadian seniors.
• Federal Financial Information – Seniors Canada Online
Contains federal information on: A Beginner’s Guide to Canada’s Public Pension System, Taxes, Insurance, and Programs and Services (Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Security, etc.)
• 55 Plus Program (A Manitoba Income Supplement)
This program provides quarterly income supplements to lower-income Manitobans who are 55 years of age and over and whose incomes are within certain levels. (From Manitoba Family Services.)
• Manitoba Pension Commission
The main objective of the Pension Benefits Act is to safeguard employees’ rights to benefits promised under private pension plans. Over the years, the rights of employees to obtain information have increased. There is now more protection for the spouse of a contributing member. In addition, employees who leave their jobs now have new options regarding transfers of their pension credits.
• Manitoba Society of Seniors
Their mission is to represent Manitobans age 55 plus by promoting their needs and concerns and by presenting a positive image of older adults in the community.
• Tax Information Slips
This online service from Social Development Canada allows you to view and print copies of your Old Age Security (OAS) and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) tax information slips. You can submit these copies with your Canada Revenue Agency tax return. Other E-Services include: Applications for Canada Pension and Employment Insurance, CPP Statement of Contributions, Retirement Income Calculator and more.
In an age-friendly community, policies, programs and services are designed to make it easier for older adults to stay active and healthy, so they can continue to contribute economically and socially. Since the World Health Organization (WHO) developed and released its Age-Friendly Cities model in 2007, communities across Canada and globally have developed action plans to become more age-friendly, recognizing that every effort benefits citizens of all ages.
Manitoba has been at the forefront of this movement. The WHO, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the Province of Manitoba have developed Age-Friendly Community Milestones to provide a guide for community action planning and a basis on which communities can be recognized for their age-friendly community efforts and in turn, be recognized by the PHAC and the WHO.
As the Province of Manitoba continues to invite local governments to join the Age-Friendly Communities Initiative, it encourages communities to adopt the Milestone approach to support and sustain their efforts. Achievement of the Milestones is also required to be formally recognized as an Age-Friendly Manitoba Community.
Two of the Milestones are:
Community Engagement Milestone
Creating a committee is an effective way to engage local government, businesses, service providers (e.g. health professionals, seniors organizations, police, clergy, youth organizations) and other interested citizens in developing a vision and an action plan for a more age-friendly community.
Active participation and leadership of older residents ensures their needs and interests are reflected – and who better to help guide the process than those who have contributed so much to the development of the community. An intergenerational committee also recognizes that an age-friendly community benefits residents of all ages.
Municipal Council Resolution Milestone
Local government is a key player in providing information, resources and support to community development initiatives. A council resolution signifies that it recognizes the value of an age-friendly community, actively embraces the concept and is committed to including age-friendly planning in its ongoing agenda.
Creating a more age-friendly community requires the effort and resources of the entire community. The local government cannot go it alone. The interest, resources and ability of the Age-Friendly Committee and organizations will be central to success.
Excerpt from Rural Municipality of Bifrost Council Meeting Minutes of Thursday, July 14, 2011:
Resolution #6 – Moved by Councillor Donald Vigfusson, Seconded by Councillor Richard Chomokovski:
RESOLVED that the RM of Bifrost recognize the value of an age-friendly community, actively embraces the concept and is committed to including age-friendly planning in its ongoing agenda.
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